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Returns & Refunds

Returns Policy

You have the option to return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery to receive a full refund. If the return is due to our error (for example, you received an incorrect or defective item), we will also cover the return shipping costs.

Typically, you can expect to receive your refund within approximately four weeks from the time you hand over your package to the return shipper. This timeline encompasses various stages, including the transit time for us to receive your return from the shipper (usually 5 to 10 business days), our processing time once we receive the return (typically 3 to 5 business days), and the processing time required by your bank to complete our refund request (typically 5 to 10 business days).

If you wish to initiate a return, please Contact Us and provide your order number along with details about the product you intend to return. We will promptly furnish you with instructions on how to proceed with the return process.

Refunds Policy

We proudly offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee, including pre-paid postage for the return of any product, free of charge, when necessary. If you encounter any issues with a product you have received, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at any time after receiving your order to arrange for a return.